The Jetpack Spontaneous Theatre Festival marked the end of a big year for improvised comedy in Sydney. Each night featured the acclaimed On The Spot Musical plus a special guest show.
Using just a keyboard and some words from the audience, Bryce Halliday, Jim Fishwick and their cast of champion improvisers create the next great Australian musical on the spot. After its knock-out season at the Hayes Theatre last year, On The Spot Musical is returning to send off 2015 with a bang.
Bryce Halliday is an award-winning cabaret artist and comedian. Jim Fishwick is an award-winning director, performer, and Theatresports champion. Together they are the directors of your musical, what it is about is entirely up to you. All we know is that they will try to squeeze as many Broadway tropes as possible into an hour, as they weave melody lines, plot lines and punchlines. With an incredible cast featuring Sydney’s fastest and funniest improv performers, along with special guest stars from Australian musical theatre, anything could happen!
With Jim Fishwick, Bryce Halliday, Jane Watt, Bridie Connell, Rob Johnson, Robert Boddington, Fran Middleton, Lisa Ricketts, Sarah Gaul and Amanda Buckley Plus special guests: Matthew Mitcham, Jay James-Moody, Melody Beck, Laura Murphy, Edward Grey, Mark Simpson, Chloe Wilson, Dean Vince and Bobbie-Jean Henning.
Directed by Bryce Halliday and Jim Fishwick
Produced by Noni Hollonds
Set design by Brendan Hay
“There’s hardly any point recounting the plot because what you’ll see next time is not what we saw this time; let’s just say it was buckets of fun, genuinely earning an adjective like “zany”. There’s real musicianship here, too, and a keen understanding of musical theatre song structure and performance; it wouldn’t be so funny if it wasn’t so able to embrace and execute the form. There isn’t a lot around Sydney like this.” – Cassie Tongue for
“Jetpack Theatre Collective offers an opportunity to be truly and gleefully entertained in a live setting. You can’t get much more alive than the thrilling notion of completely unrehearsed merriment – you won’t be able to help but be thoroughly entertained.” – Upstaged Reviews